Beranda News Irna: Nataru Security Must Be Professional And Humanistic

Irna: Nataru Security Must Be Professional And Humanistic

Pandeglang Regent
Pandeglang Regent Irna Narulita attended the 2021 Candle Operation Troops Parade at Pandeglang Square, Thursday (12/23/2021). Photo: M Hafidz Fathurrohman

PANDEGLANG, LBPandeglang Regent Irna Narulita requested that during the Christmas and New Year (Nataru) security process through the 2021 Candle Operation activity, professional and humane services be provided to the community to maintain Public Security and Order (Kamtibmas).

“Provide the best service wherever, whenever. Colleagues (security personnel-ed) are a form of representation of the state in the midst of society. So, must be professional and humanistic,” he said.

Irna admitted that her party had conducted mapping of vulnerabilities in several locations that had the potential to cause public order disturbances in the Pandeglang area before implementing security measures.

Irna said that there are things that must be anticipated in the Nataru security process, including threats from intolerant groups, radicalism and terrorism, criminal acts, and drinking parties.

Therefore, Irna requested that the 2021 Candle Operation activities be carried out optimally.

“We must prevent and anticipate any crime or disturbance to public order, no matter how small,” requested the two-term regent.

If Operation Lilin 2021 is successful, according to Irna, then the community in their worship activities and New Year’s celebrations 2021 will be full of a sense of security and comfort, both from public order disturbances and the dangers of Covid-19.

Therefore, Irna reminded the public to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols. Basically, Irna explained, the implementation and security of Nataru cannot be separated from government policies through the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 66 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Covid-19.

Meanwhile, Pandeglang Police Chief AKBP Belny Warlansyah added that Nataru security through Operation Lilin 2021 involved 220 personnel who have their respective duties and functions in each region.

“We have three posts, namely two Service Posts (Posyan) and one Security Post (Pospam). For Posyan we place them in Pandeglang Square and Carita Police Station. For Pospam itself at the Mengger intersection,” he said.

Operation Lilin, explained Belny, was prepared to anticipate dynamics in society, so that the community is helped, both in terms of lane problems, odd-even, to health problems while traveling and others.

Before the implementation of the activity, said Belny, his party had also held a meeting with several related components to be involved in the activity.

“We invite all elements, from the TNI, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Court, the Transportation Agency, the Civil Service Police, the health team, and other components to participate in securing community activities at the end of the year so that they run safely and conducively,” he concluded. (M Hafidz Fathurrohman/zai)


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