Beranda Kesehatan Tekan Kematian Ibu Melahirkan, Pemkot Tangerang Luncurkan Dua Program

Tekan Kematian Ibu Melahirkan, Pemkot Tangerang Luncurkan Dua Program

Ibu-ibu mengikuti pelatihan cara merawat bayi yang diselenggarakan oleh Dinkes Kota Tangerang melalui puskesmas. Foto: Eky Fajrin

TANGERANG, LB– In an effort to reduce maternal mortality, the Tangerang City Government (Pemkot) is optimizing two programs in hospitals and health centers.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Tangerang City Health Service (Dinkes), Dr. Dini Anggraeni, via cellphone, Tuesday (11/16/2021).

The two programs are Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Neonatal Services (Ponek) in hospitals and Basic Emergency Obstetric Neonatal Services (Poned) in health centers.

“Through our two programs, we are expected to be able to overcome the first emergency. For Poned, the service is available in 21 health centers,” said Dini.

Meanwhile, the Ponek program at the hospital, explained Dini, handles referral cases that cannot be handled by health workers (nakes) at the primary service level such as doctors, midwives, nurses. “This service is provided for 24 hours,” he said.

Dini claims that currently the number of maternal deaths in Tangerang City is very low. Therefore, her party launched two programs so that cases at the Poned health center are referred to Ponek and non-Ponek hospitals.

The case, said Dini, is pregnant women who need referral to go to the hospital immediately. Such as pregnant women with narrow pelvis, pregnant women with a history of cesarean section, and pregnant women with antepartum bleeding.

In addition, he continued, if hypertension is found during pregnancy (severe preeclampsia/eclampsia), and the amniotic fluid ruptures accompanied by the release of thick meconium.

In addition to paying attention to the health of mothers giving birth, said Dini, her party also has a health program for the elderly (lansia) through the Kompak Sumringah application (Commitment to Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases, All Independent Fit and Happy).

Application to improve family health, monitor the health of productive age groups, and the elderly in the working area of ​​the Tangerang City Health Center.

In addition, to identify productive elderly and high-risk elderly by health workers, as well as reducing the prevalence of non-communicable diseases.

In addition to the application, his party also has a Lansia Sumringah (All Independent Fit Happy) program. That way, his party can follow up on health problems of the elderly and productive age, both individual efforts and public health.

For information, in Tangerang City currently has 18 fleets 119 as many as six units, free ambulance cars 12 units. While in private hospitals there are 32 units and health centers 38 units spread across 13 sub-districts. (Eky Fajrin/zai)



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